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Robot Hardware

You may think, since you are in software, you don't need to know anything about hardware. However, when writing robot code, you are interfacing with the hardware. Having a basic understanding of the hardware will help you write better code, as well as troubleshoot issues with the robot.

Basic Robot Setup

Roborio 2

The Roborio is the main computer on the robot. It is the computer that runs the robot code. It is connected to the rest of the robot, and can be connected to the Driver Station via Ethernet or USB-B. The team uses the Roborio 2, which is the latest version of the Roborio.


The breaker allows you to turn the robot on and off. It is a red button somewhere on the robot.

Old Radio New Radio

These radios are used to communicate with the robot from the driver station. It is also used during competition to communicate with the field control system.


The Power Distribution Hub (REV) or the Power Distribution Panel (CTRE) is used to distribute power to the motors. It also has a built in current sensor, which can be used to monitor the current draw of the motors. The team has currently switched to using REV's PDH.


The Pneumatic Control Module is used to control the pneumatic solenoids. It is connected to the Roborio via CAN.


The battery is used to power the robot. It is connected to the PDP via a connector. A battery should be replaced if it dips below 9 volts.


A list of the main motors used by Team 93.

We mainly use Kraken X60s, Falcon 500s, Neos and Neo 550s


Kraken X60

Falcon 500



Neo 550

Neo Vortex





Speed Controllers

Talon FX

Victor SPX

Talon SRX

Spark Max

Spark Flex



The gyro (Pigeon 2 or NavX) is used to measure the angle of the robot. It can also be used as an accelerometer and velocity sensor.

IR Sensor

TOF Sensor

Ultrasonic Sensor

These sensors can be used to measure the distance to an object. The Time of Flight sensor (TOF Sensor) is a CAN device, which makes it very simple to interface with. The IR Sensor and Ultrasonic Sensor need to be hooked up directly to the Roborio


There are 2 types of encoders, absolute and relative. Absolute encoders return the same value, even if the bot is turned on and off. Relative encoders will return 0 after a power cycle of the bot.

Limit Switches

Limit switches are used to detect when a mechanism has reached a certain position. They are known as push switches.

Color Sensor

The Color Sensor detects a color, around 0.5 inches away from the sensor. It can be used to detect the color of a game element, or the color of a line on the field, etc..


Cameras can be used for a variety of things, such as vision tracking, or just to allow a drive to see what the robot sees. A limelight can be used for vision tracking, or simply a normal camera connected to a Raspberry Pi can be used.



Pneumatics are used to control the movement of a mechanism. They are controlled by a solenoid, which is controlled by the PCM (pneumatics control module).

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pis are small computers that can be used to control the robot. They can be used to control the cameras, or to control other mechanisms. They are networked through the radio or a sperate network switch.