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Best Robot Code Practices

Git Branch Naming Conventions

Branches made for robot code should be named using the format Robot_[{SUBSYSTEM-NAME}]
Ex: Robot_Drive, Robot_Intake, Robot_Shooter

Branches made for code made for testing should be named using the format Test_[{SUBSYSTEM-NAME}]

All Branches before kickoff should be labeled as testing branches.

Ex: Test_Drive, Test_Intake, Test_Shooter

Once robot code is tested and final, it will be merged into the main branch. A secondary branch, Robot_Final, will be created to test code before it is merged into the main branch. The main branch should always have code that is working and stable. Any edits during competitions should be made on Robot_Final.

Git Commit Messages Conventions

Commit messages should be related to the changes made in the commit. Be as descriptive as possible.

If the code is not in a working state, label your commit message with [BROKEN] at the beginning of the message.

If the code is not tested, label your commit message with [UNTESTED] at the beginning of the message.

Subsystem Naming Conventions

Subsystems should be named using the format {SUBSYSTEM-NAME}Subsystem

Ex: DriveSubsystem, IntakeSubsystem, ShooterSubsystem

Objects of Subsystems should be named using the format m_{SUBSYSTEM-NAME}

Command Naming Conventions

Commands should be named using the format {COMMAND-NAME}Command

Ex: DriveCommand, IntakeCommand, ShooterCommand

Objects of Commands should be named using the format m_{COMMAND-NAME}